Friday, December 17, 2010

Really, God - I mean, come on, really???

So, I wrote this really nice post - was making a few editorial changes for flow -  and hit a wrong key.  The auto save on the blog immediately saved the deleted version, and ....  the rest is history.

I was writing about yesterday because I wanted to recount how, despite a horrid turn of events at work, God answered a prayer before I even knew that I had a need to pray about.  He also took two seemingly disparate passages of scripture that I'd been studying (Is 30:21 and John 6:68-69) and fused them in embryonic form.  Then He quickened them so that I was aware, as is a mother with the fluttering of her unborn child, of Life within my soul.  And He did it all in a moment, in a flash of time frozen in space. 

So, thanks God - for who and what You have provided, and for getting me through the day with a greater awareness of who You are and who I am.  Thanks for making real to me that only You have the answers for the real questions of life, for reminding me that You care about my work and my lab and that You're more than able to guide and direct me.



Halfmom said...

FYI for anyone who cares - since my post was very specifically intended to honor God, any comments that don't won't be published.

Sincere questions always answered, just not always in public.

Maalie said...

Sorry you lost your work Susan, I know it's so frustrating when that happens!

Halfmom said...

Comment posting problems - so am posting this from an email from Shelly

Shelly wrote: "Just tried posting a comment on your blog, but not getting it for some reason. Anyway.....was commenting that one of my favorite things about God is, He always has His mind on us, even when we don't have our mind on him. (reference to the issue you didn't know you had until He solved it). Thanks for sharing."

Ted M. Gossard said...

Good thoughts here, Susan! And Amen!!

I am dependent on God's grace in Jesus, and that reality alone is where I try to live and what gives any sense to this life. Of course that reality is so clearly spelled out to us in scripture in the Story of God in Jesus. And a gift to us always, by faith. Where I seek to try to live, but then it all depends on God. And God is faithful always no matter what in Jesus.