Sunday, November 11, 2007

Haircuts make life better!

Just a fun picture of a poor little sick little girl trying to have a good attitude (her students graciously shared the newest virus in Chicago) while working hard at being a grown up - sometimes, when she's not sure which end is up, she calls herself a pseudo-adult. I'm afraid that, even at 30 years older, I frequently feel like a psuedo-adult!

This is her mean face for when the students are messing around in the classroom and should stop IMMEDIATELY!


Ted M. Gossard said...

I'm over here because I'm doing a post related to the last post.

But this post of your pretty daughter reminds me of the good scalping I gave myself, though for the life of me, i can't figure out what your title has to do with the post!

Anyhow I was trying to arrange the mop of curls and everything else, and Deb wasn't home; she normally cuts my hair, I shaved too deep, and ended up shaving it ALL off. ha.

Now that looks like a teacher the students will on the one hand love, but on the other hand won't mess with!

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

ahh, maybe only perceptible to the female eye - that is a new haircut that is quite a few inches shorter, especially around her face. She is trying to grow the rest out long enough to be able to donate to "locks of love" and she's all most there - has to be more than 10 inches that they can cut off without scalping her.

Now, about your haircut - are you sure that's not a made up story and the you just don't want to tell us the truth?

Ted M. Gossard said...

Good for her. I guess I can see that now. I do multi-task as in holding coffee in one hand, small Bible opened to the psalms in the other, NPR on and driving at the same time (I almost forgot that). So my powers of observation are there, just need trained I guess.

About the made up story. Uh, which part are you referring too? Actually that is true, as best I understand it. And I may just keep it more or less this way, since it's much easier to deal with than the catastrophe that used to be a thick head of curly, wavy hair. Since I'd unnecessarily offend a few close people (not my wife) if I grew it down to my collar bone, or shoulders (though knowing me, it would never be safe), I'll opt for this.

But back to your daughter. Yes. Quite interesting. I can see now that the title of your post has everything to do with the post.

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

OK - I want to see a picture to prove the long curly hair!

Craver Vii said...

Aah, the teacher's stern glare. It is good that she practice the menacing reprimand, since she has such a sweet face.

Mrs. Craver I saw her Friday night, and she was so tired. Poor gal.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Uh, what...Susan!? I guess I could put a pic online somehow from decades back. Maybe this ends up being a meme in the future: a pic of you thirty, twenty, ten years ago. No, I didn't do that, thank goodness.

Ted M. Gossard said...

oops, that didn't come across sounding right. I meant a pic of just anybody, actually thinking of myself with a funny pair of eyeglasses in the past. I wasn't thinking of you on that! though that would work, too.

Craver Vii said...

I heard today is your birthday. Oh happy day!

Martin Stickland said...

She has grabbed her Mums looks!

Is green any better for my blog Susan?

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

Yes, you're right Martin - she learned that "you'd better be still or else" look right from her mum! She was a wiggly one - still is actually!

lorenzothellama said...

Daughter?! I thought it was you. Honest!
I've not been blogging much lately. I have a 10K race to run in a couple of weeks so have been out trying to re-learn how to run. When I get home I'm too knackered to do much but shower and sleep!
Love Lorenzo.

L.L. Barkat said...

Beautiful, beautiful. Even the stern face!

Marcus Goodyear said...

She looks exactly like you! But tell her to work on that teacher glare. It could use a few more daggers...

My brother-in-law is the real master. He can actually silence a classroom of seniors with a look. He's bald, though. So maybe that helps.

Ted, care to weigh in on that?

bluemountainmama said...

what a beautiful daughter you have! wish her luck in her teaching endeavors for me!

i had the voice tone down pat.... i was usually soft spoken, so if i did raise my voice, my students knew i was serious! :)

lorenzothellama said...

Is Craver your brother?

Craver Vii said...

Not in the sense of having the same human parents. We're churchmates and chums. She can play hard; she can slugg me and get away with it. I... well, I guess I don't get away with my silliness, do I? And that's why I get slugged. Anyway, we're not blood-relatives, but family, nonetheless.

Formally, the positional relationship of spiritual siblings is eternal and universal among all who belong to Christ, but I use "brother" and "sister" as a term of endearment for only a few.

Maalie said...

Wow! What a contrast between the two pictures!

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

maalie - you should check the new haircut versus the one with catching the bouquet - actually several POUNDS of hair came off - even if you can't see it silly boy!