Sunday, October 28, 2007

End of the first day as a 5th grade teacher!

The eyes are a little bleary because it was rough first day!


Craver Vii said...

This had me cracking up so hard, because I know "O" is a lovely person, but as I scrolled down, I saw her picture at the top, and the title of your previous blog at the bottom, and for a moment, they looked like they belonged together. "Rotten rebellious teen."

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...

spaghettipie said...

I'm a little confused. Surely your daughter is not in fifth grade?

Ted M. Gossard said...

You're a good photographer. Or you have a good camera. Or maybe a combination of the two.

Anyhow, whatever all this means, it looks like it was good.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Now I get it, fifth grade teacher. Great!

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

OK - I've fixed the title now. I just assumed I'd written so much about her you all already knew she was a first year 5th grade teacher in a new charter school just inside the city limits of Chicago. She wanted a mission's field and she got it!

Marcus Goodyear said...

Good for her! I taught for ten years and loved every day of it. (Even the days when I wept on the way to work because of the stress.)

Run, don't walk, and buy her a copy of Parker Palmer's masterpiece The Courage to Teach. It's written to college professors, but she can apply the philosophy to teaching fifth grade.

L.L. Barkat said...

Wonderful. And she looks pretty lovely after a first day!

Ted M. Gossard said...

I can be slow at times. But I certainly knew that that young lady was not a fifth grader! Hard to know what was going on in my mind at the time.

Great to hear of her heart and what she is doing. Blessings on her in that!

Craver Vii said...

Oh come on, nobody else wants to chime in on the "rotten rebellious teen" thing? It was funny. Wasn't it?

Somebody please say it was funny. (I hope I don't get slugged about this on Sunday.)

Every Square Inch said...

Craver, if you say it was funny, then it was funny. ;-)