Saturday, May 12, 2007

Halfmom is born

I love Craver VII’s comment on Mark Goodyear’s “Meme Week: My Secret to Productivity” blog. I too, understand the sense that something is “insisting on being birthed” that Craver describes. Tonight is one of those nights that I feel compelled, despite the lateness of the hour, to write and besides, the cheesecake isn’t done yet and I have to be awake another hour waiting for that.

College graduation is in about 24hrs for my daughter. As a single parent for the past 15 years, the focus of my life has been to take care of her, nurture her, raise her to be a godly woman and train her not to make some of the same mistakes that I have made. It’s funny that at times of great celebration such as these (and it is a celebration for I am most proud of the wonderful young woman she has become), that consequences of sin are most glaringly apparent in the conflict and lack of unity that occur when the “fam” is together. Sin has it’s consequences and it seems that some of them never go away. Frequently, divorce feels like the death of a spouse but with no body to bury, no finality – you just get to drag the corpse around on your back for the rest of your life.

But what is “insisting on being birthed” tonight is a further comment on being wool-blinded by my sadness and even bitterness over a broken marriage. You will remember that, as a result of my spiritual blindness, I’d swallowed a fat, juicy worm called “there is a way that seems right to a [wo]man, but the end thereof is the way of death”, i.e., an inappropriate relationship with someone who professed to be a believer but most assuredly was not. I’d been living with a guilty conscience for 2 years at this point and like most stupid fish, the more I struggled to pull the hook out myself, the deeper in went.

God used, quite literally, a Mack truck to dislodge the hook as I went from a healthy, active, single-momand mid-life grad student finishing her dissertation to someone who would always have some physical limitations and challenges, especially in the high stress work environment that research science demands. LL has asked if I am still safely behind the rather large blockade provided by my "Mack truck shearing" and my answer to you, my dear LL, is a resounding yes. I can even say that “it is good that I was afflicted that I might know your statues”.

And it was a good thing in that way for within two years I was in a new town, walking with a healing, faithful heart and back in youth ministry. My dream of a L’Abri-like home and family was intact again as I waited for God to send the right spouse (btw, I had decided he should be chosen by the elders as clearly my discernment in that area was sadly lacking). But God, as He frequently does, had other plans. There were lots of kids to mentor, but no spousal candidates; actually, there were no dating candidates either, but the teens and young adults who needed to be discipled kept coming, and after all, I had a daughter to raised. And so, science and kids – my own and other peoples', became my life.

About this time, a young friend began to blog in code. I watched carefully as he recorded the events of his daily life, giving people code names and I waited to see what moniker I would receive. “Halfmom” was born from his blog and I was thrilled to be given such a wonderful name by a teen (he likes his own mom too). During the 12 years since the shearing and restoration, I have continued to “halfmom” many. It’s not the dream I had originally, and sometimes I think perhaps that I should give up on the original dream completely and just be satisfied with this one. However, I must admit that my heart lstill longs for it and the companionship of a spouse.

It does seem that my spirit has been stirred up within me during the past year as I ask what God is getting ready to do in my life and in this regard, I have thoroughly enjoyed the exchange of mime comments from Every Square Inch on this subject. So I wait and contiue to ask the question, what has God really called me to do?.


L.L. Barkat said...

Oh! The story of how you got your name. So sweet and poignant.

And you were literally hit by the truck? I wasn't sure when you mentioned it last time.

It is good to hear your stories and the tension of both healing and pain.

Llama Momma said...

Thank you for this story. A reminder to me: God knows it all and holds our lives, our futures, in His hand. Mack trucks and all.

Even So... said...

This touched me...I am going to bring Margie (my wife, and a similar situation) to read this...may the Lord continue to be glorifed in and by you, halfmom...

Craver Vii said...

It's neat to know that story about you. Y'know, it's tricky to try to guess how much to ask people about their past and their current spiritual journey. That's one thing I really like about blogging.

(Another thing I really like about blogging is copying the first 14 letters of this post and pasting it repeatedly on a document to make the most flattering wallpaper ever!)

Seriously, thanks for sharing.

bluemountainmama said...

this touched me tremendously, halfmom. thank you for opening this part of your life to us.....

my mactruck has come in other forms, but that is what it has sometimes taken for God to dislodge my own hooks.....

my spirit is undergoing a stirring, too....i'll be interested to see how it manifests itself in both our lives......much blessing to you...and to all your halfchildren! :)

Sista Cala said...

Thank you for sharing this part of your story. God is faithful to show us the silver lining in the clouds.

When you mentioned 'that something is insisting on being birthed', I couldn't help but remember a bit of a message I heard at a women's conference. "Birthing is hard work and a lot of pain. Yet something that is looked forward even before conception.(in some cases).

Thanks for a peek into halfmom's conception. Looking forward to see
your growth and accomplishments.

Every Square Inch said...


I have enjoyed our conversations. Now that I've read a little more about your story, I understand how you've come about your evident love for the Savior.

God has given you a heart to seek Him and I trust that He will lead you.

Grace to you

Lloyd Irving Bradbury said...

Hi thanks for viewing my blog i just moved from chicago to lyons. just across from riverside lawn in the forest preserve a foot bridge across tje desplains river leads to the hiverside village now i will roam the strip of forest on the banks of the river painting. natire is a gteat minidyrt to the spirit. one must walk around this area to really see what god has given us only 12 miles from chicao near the metra station at riverside i have a showing at the riverside libary until the end of this month see it if you can

Lloyd Irving Bradbury said...

Hi thanks for viewing my blog i just moved from chicago to lyons. just across from riverside lawn in the forest preserve a foot bridge across tje desplains river leads to the hiverside village now i will roam the strip of forest on the banks of the river painting. natire is a gteat minidyrt to the spirit. one must walk around this area to really see what god has given us only 12 miles from chicao near the metra station at riverside i have a showing at the riverside libary until the end of this month see it if you can

Anonymous said...

Halfmom. What a great story. Congrats on your daughter's graduation! And thanks for sharing the genesis of your name. I admit that it is one of my favorite monikers in the blogosphere right now. It reminds me of the halflings in Lord of the Rings... which means I think of you in epic terms.

And certainly your Mack Truck story must have required epic courage.

Thanks for the link. And was the cheesecake good?

Ted M. Gossard said...

Susan, What a tremendous story of God's grace in your life, and it's especially neat how "Halfmom" came out of it. I too have had my failures and defeats, though God has been more than merciful. I like your analogy of the hooks and how in our struggle it often only becomes worse. How true.

The human part of me would like to see the Lord bring a husband into your life. But we all need to be praying for each other that God in his grace would simply keep us in his faithfulness, walking faithfully with God. And that when we get off track God would bring us back.

Great to read of your daughter's graduation and how she has turned out to be a follower of the Lord.