Saturday, January 13, 2007

Coming Soon to a Blog Near You - Story of a Halfmom

I was scolded - in a manner of speaking - by another blogger this week. She wanted to know if I wouldn't close down my site since I hadn't posted on it in awhile so that she could use my name.

I was appalled - I do use the site - quite frequently - and didn't she know there was only one me - the real Halfmom - even if I posted on only one site, I had them both linked - and I do use the name to comment on both blogger and xanga sites.

It was quite a shock and it set me to thinking that perhaps I really should write up the blog that has been bouncing around in my brain for a month or so now - What is a Halfmom and how did this one come into being?

Now, for any of you other bloggers that actually know me - any instructions on how to get your sites linked to this one would be greatly appreciated.

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