Monday, May 16, 2011

In Memoriam

Friend, fellow scientist, delightfully charming man and runcible boy rolled into one, brother, father, uncle, ever proud grandfather, stubborn, photographer, birder, and the very definition of enthusiasm, are just a few things that come to mind when I think of you dear Maalie.  I will miss you, my friend, more than you will ever know.


donsands said...

That's a great photo of Maalie.

His last one.

Thanks for posting this Susan. It's good to honor a friend.

Sharon said...

So sorry for your loss...It was always interesting dialogue as you two "crossed swords".

Ted M. Gossard said...

I am so moved over his death myself. Deeply saddened. I will never forget him. We will all miss him. And I so much appreciate your words here, Susan. So true, though you knew him better than many of us.

Every Square Inch said...

Sorry to hear about this and for your loss. I like how you were able to engage him in dialogue over matters of faith. He would also stop by my blog from time to time.

I pray the seeds of grace sown in his life bore fruit in the last days.

lorenzothellama said...

Oh Susan, my naughty, runcible big brother. How I grieve for him.

Halfmom said...

I know you do, Jill - as do we all, just not to your extent. But we are a bit jealous in one way as you got to know him personally and we did not.

Much love to you, dear friend.