Monday, June 08, 2009

Collateral Damage

Just back in Chicago and facing many deadlines this week, so this will be brief; however, I have few thoughts I want to share with those of you who are still reading.

Collateral damage in times of warfare is what comes to mind as I've read through your comments from the past few posts and I'm very sorry that they were all published unattended by the moderator, naughty girl that she was off working and all......

I do not mind if you debate; but I do mind all this name calling and nastiness. Many of you, I am sadly afraid, are entrenched in nasty, each in your own way. Some of you dig into your position and fight, refusing to retreat even when you are wrong. Some of you like the full frontal attack, but when attacked back turn, run and hide behind a convenient excuse. And then there are some of you who like sniper warfare, quiet for a while and then a barrage of bullets is launched just before you again retreat. And in your nastiness, you are causing collateral damage to all members of the blog, myself included.

This scripture, whether applicable to all blog contributors or not since James is addressing "brothers", comes to mind. James 3:10, 11 "From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. my brothers, these things ought not to be so. Does a spring pour forth from the same opening both fresh and salt water?"

So, I'm going to ask each of you to take some time and consider the collateral damage you have already caused as well as what you may cause before you speak. Some enemies are worth fighting and some are just a distraction that draw us away from the real question, the real battlefield for the hearts and minds of men, the ground before the cross of Jesus Christ. My intent for this blog is, as it has always been, I want it to be a place where 1) there can be a real discussion about the hope that is within us (1Peter3:15), and 2) a place where we may all come face to face with both the Man and the Cross and be radically transformed into His image.

For I am NOT ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...

Grace and peace,


Deb said...

Glad that you have set this forth Susan! James 3:16-18 came to my mind as well as Gal.5:22 when Ted told and showed me what was taking place on your blog as of late.


Deb said...

Glad that you have set this forth Susan! James 3:16-18 came to my mind as well as Gal.5:22 when Ted told and showed me what was taking place on your blog as of late.


Andrew said...

Maalie, about two weeks ago I left you this comment, to which you never replied. I'm assuming you accidentally overlooked it, so here it is again:

"Maalie, that doesn't answer my question. I asked WHAT it is in the Bible that has been so thoroughly discredited by present scientific claims, especially the core doctrines of the Christian faith. Just saying "it's mythology" doesn't answer that question.

"More importantly though, I want to to apologize for saying that what you wrote is "ignorant." True or not, that did not treat you respectfully, and I could've found much better ways to say it. I'm sorry."


Ted M. Gossard said...

Amen, Susan. Very well spoken.

I am blessed tonight in reflecting on "Surrendering in Jesus," from Scot McKnight's, "The Jesus Creed."

"To surrender mentally is to give up thinking we know everything. After her conversion from her own brand of bohemian feminism, Frederic Mathewes-Green describes the beginning of her own mental surrender in these terms:

"'I felt a pressing need to read a Bible. If this guy Jesus is going to be my boss, who the heck is he? I bought a small King James Version in London and plunged into the Gospel of Matthew. I wasn't pleased. I found a lot to argue with. But a conviction was slowly seeping into me; I didn't make the world, I didn't know everything, and it was time to sit down and listen.'"


lorenzothellama said...

Susan, after reading your post, I feel ashamed that sometimes I have sounded off. Sometimes I just feel I would like to get a couple of your commentators by the scruff of the neck and bang their heads together!

Halfmom said...

Not to worry Llama dearest, I did not hold you as one of the ones responsible for the discomfort I was having with the words and tactics used.

Ah - back to work again - rather back to physical therapy for the first time in almost two weeks - urgh, I may be a grumpy halfmom when that is done!

simon said...

I DO want to highlight a comment Don made on Maalies blog which I think took a lot of courage to say.. I feel that it was a "golden moment" and Don you have my respect for saying it.

As for Tristian- Don you know him, i do not and only rely on a few photos and the written word. His heart might be golden...and I do not know his background...or the path he has walked to get where he is... if there a things i do not know.. for that I am sorry

As for the dog- I am VERY aware of the correct treatment of animals- and my blood boils on these issues. I had a hunting dog, an American Pit bull X which took a dislike to a woman who walked passed our home everyday. Anyone who knows this breed will understand the potential danger. I treated it kindly from a pup but it just loathed this woman ...

So, I took the dog to the vet and had it quietly put down. the risk was too high. Her life and health was more important.

There is a right and wrong way to go about things.

I may have confronted these issues from the front foot and for that I am sorry too.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Since I frequent this blog regularly, if anyone here read my posting this morning, I'd ask that you please read this posting. I opened myself up to misunderstanding due to a poor choice of words.



Wed, June 10

Litl-Luther said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Every Square Inch said...

Probably a wise move, Susan but will you ever get to a hundred comments again if everyone is kind and civil? :-)

Grace to all on this blog

Halfmom said...

I think those 100+ comment postings had little to do with me, ESI. They just like to argue with each other and I've found the nature of the arguments rather old. So, it's fine with me if it goes back to being 2 comments from you and Ted with one thrown in from Lorenzo sometimes. Did you know that she has a new granddaughter?

Litl-Luther said...

Susan, if you feel this is appropriate to include here, then please do because I truly do desire to ask forgiveness from everyone here that I've offended. And I believe this note I sent to you conveys what I'm feeling.

Dear Susan,

I would also like to ask your forgiveness for offending you. I know you prefer details when offering an apology, and perhaps it is not my way to go into details. I just hope you will accept my apology from my heart. I honestly want no hard feelings with you. I really do like you. I admire what you are trying to do with your site to win people to Christ. I desire to have peace between you and me. I do not hold a grudge against you. I desire to remain friends with you. I also know well that by the way I write oftentimes I make it difficult for people to like me. Honestly, just like an alcoholic hanging out in a bar is not a good idea, it is probably not a good idea for me to hang out at web sites. Dave Shive for instance I’m sure could recount a number of times when I have offended him by the way I wrote to him. I know that about myself. I do not like that about myself. A keyboard often has become a weapon in my hand, giving me the ability to jab and whatnot an opponent, and it is wrong. Please forgive me. I struggle with this whole contention between you and me because on one side, I feel like most everything I wrote was right. On the other side, I know that the way I write offend offends people, and that in itself it wrong, deplorable. At times I’ve presented truth in a way that is unloving and sinful. Please forgive me.

And perhaps, for my own well being, it is time for me to stop debating. I’m like an alcoholic with a drink in his hand often when I try and defend some “truth” or another. I certainly need to add a great deal of love to my emails and blog posts. It is probably better for me to stop debating because of my repeated tendency for more than a decade now (Dave Shive would concur) of coming across too harsh when I write.

I do ask that you would forgive me, be at peace with me and remain my friend.

Love your brother in Christ,


Halfmom said...

Of course you are forgiven, Triston. There was never a question of withdrawing friendship and I, for one, would be sad not to have your presence on the blog.

I think that we all need to learn to communicate better with each other in whatever medium we have. It is, of course, harder this way since we cannot see expresions and body language and hear tone of voice. However, I do think it's possible if we trust the Holy Spirit to lead us.

Grace and peace

Ted M. Gossard said...

Amen, Triston, brother! Good to have you back! :)

Yes, Paul wrote/dictated well in letters, and was quite expressive, but a lot of those readers had met him before, and knew that he had spoken to them night and day with tears (cf: Acts 20). So it's true we do miss out on that here. But good discussion and sharing in this medium is possible, for sure.

Sometimes words can flow too easily for me, before I really weigh them well, and that can, and has gotten me in trouble.

simon said...


Andrew said...

Thanks, Litl-Luther.

Litl-Luther said...

Thanks all, for the thoughtful replies.

Hey Simon, how do you stay so fit? On horseback your stomach looks so flat I can only imagine you got a six-pack. I don’t have a six-pack; I got the whole keg (!), but I'm working on it. :)

simon said...

well mate, I used to go to the gym 4 days a week, and then I changed to riding pushbikes and used to do 200k a week. Then I did pilates and ride the bike.

Now I walk a lot and ride a bike. I have a blood disorder which gives me very bad arthritis, so my fitness is in decline. But I still get out and with a few pain killers on board still try to make an effort..

I am very hyperactive and cannot sit still- this drives my family crazy :o)

Hope you are all fine.

Litl-Luther said...

Thanks Simon,
You make me want to do more to stay fit. Your story is inspiring, the way you push through the pain.