Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Meet Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hall


Maalie said...

Ooooh! Am I first to be able to bloggerley congratulate them? Hooray!

I think it is a smashing picture of the bridesmaid on Craver Vii's blog too!

lorenzothellama said...

Congratulations to both of them, and the the mother of the bride of course!!

Trust Maalie to notice the bridesmaid!

Ted M. Gossard said...

Again, simply wonderful! A most "handsome" bride and groom, indeed!

Craver Vii said...

I sat with some of the bride's college friends. Nice people. :-)

It was beautiful. I wish our blogging buddies could have been there, but it's still so cool how this page of yours shrinks the globe, Susan.

lorenzothellama said...

Yes Craver. I am at the moment playing scrabble on line with two of my bloggy friends from New Zealand.

Litl-Luther said...

Congrats A & O!

Craver Vii said...

New Zealand? Do they spell the same as the Brits? You know, "colour" and all that.

donsands said...

"I wish our blogging buddies could have been there, but it's still so cool how this page of yours shrinks the globe, Susan."

There's a lot of the Lord in that Craver.

Loved ones becoming husband and wife is a marvelous blessing for the rest of the family, and friends. May Jesus always be their greatest treasure, as they learn to treasure one another, more and more. Amen.

Maalie said...

>New Zealand? Do they spell the same as the Brits? You know, "colour" and all that.

Yes, they can spell properly.

Maalie said...

>I wish our blogging buddies could have been there

We could do that - have a blogger's party, I would be up for it! It's quite a common thing in Europe!

I nominate the Everglades National Park!

Craver Vii said...

Perhaps I can get a tutour to learne how to spell propourly? ;-)

When I was in elementary school, spelling was my best subject. A high school teacher used to refer to his class as "linguistic purists." Alas, my own children don't seem to have the knack, even though they read a LOT more than I ever did. I always thought that if you love words--you love words, and that's all there is to it. And so it followed that good readers would be good spellers... apparently not.

Blogger's party? Sounds expen$ive.

Maalie said...

>Perhaps I can get a tutour to learne how to spell propourly?

You are a very runcible fellow, Craver Vii! Just you remember who invented the English language! It was the English and they hold the title to the correctness! ;-)

And it sulphur, not sulfur, and aluminium, not aluminum, and centre not center etc etc!!

Expensive? Not at all! I will buy the first round of beer! I suggest we stay at Days Inn at Homestead. I have been there twice, it's cheap and functional!

lorenzothellama said...

Days Inn are horrid and smell of smoke. Can't we find a nice little log cabin like wot we did in Spain?

Maalie said...

Lorenzo, since I am in your house right now, you could have asked me that directly!

There did happen to be a cockroach on the wall, but that was just part of the indigenous wildlife. God loves cockroaches too, you know!

donsands said...

"..and centre not center"

And meagre not meager methinks.
I have been reading some CH Spurgeon.

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

Ugh - how could anyone love cockroaches??

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

You are a flatterer Maalie! I'm afraid Craver caught me in the act of greeting someone in the receiving line!

Maalie said...

>You are a flatterer Maalie!

Halfmom, I beg to disagree. I consider myself to be ruthlessly objective.

lorenzothellama said...

I actually don't mind cockroaches. It's spiders that freak me out!

lorenzothellama said...

My question about the Days Inn wasn't just addressed to you Maalie. Does anyone out there know of any nice log cabins in the Everglades?

Craver Vii said...

I think spiders are cool, but I do this involuntary dance anytime I unexpectedly find myself in a spider web. It's hilarious to see someone from a distance, swatting at "nothing" when they trip one strand by their face.

Now we're talking everglades. It will probably be a long time before I can get back to visiting Florida.

Ted M. Gossard said...

A blogger get together would be nice and fun. I just wish we all had the time (and evidently the means) to do this, like Maalie and Lorenzo have. But it would be wonderful. I'm sure Maalie would teach us many things from his experiences and studies as a naturalist, there. And we'd get to hear Susan giving us some good teaching from the word.

And we'd have some lively, but civil debates, I'd guess (from this blog!).

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

No Llama, cockroaches are worse. Spiders I can SMASH - cockroaches (at least the enormous kind I grew up with) are about as hard as rocks!

Litl-Luther said...

I absolutely loved the British accent of girls when I lived in Birmingham. It made me swoon. They won my heart with a single sentence. ...but I still don’t understand why Brits insist on inserting so many unnecessary letters. Example: “programme” rather than “program”.

Maalie said...

>I still don’t understand why Brits insist on inserting so many unnecessary letters. Example: “programme” rather than “program”.

It is not us who insist on inserting them - they have always been there. It you who insist on removing them!

There seems to be quite a lot that you don't understand Litl Luther.

lorenzothellama said...

Susan, 'smash' spiders? They are God's little creatures and entitled to life! Isn't all life sacred?

Maalie says that ecosystem stability depends up biodiversity.

Luther: If you like the Birmingham accent, there's no hope for you.

Litl-Luther said...

I don't think it was necessarily the Birmingham accent that I fell in love with. I lived for six months in Halesowen at the LUKE Training Centre, a missions training location of Operation Mobilisation. Most of the Brits at the base were from all over, not just Birmingham. However, there was a lass who worked at the mall in Halesowen; she had the most fantastic accent. Perhaps she was a native of Birmingham. I don't know....speaking of which, you are absolutely right Maalie. There is a great deal I don't understand.

donsands said...

"'smash' spiders? They are God's little creatures and entitled to life! Isn't all life sacred?" Llama

I would love to smash all the recluse spiders. My sister-in-law was bitten twice, and if you never seen what happens to a person from the bite of recluse, you may not want to look at these pics.
Actually my sis-in-law's bite wasn't as bad, but it did become balck, and have a deep hole in her calf, and about 5 inches in diameter, or diametre.

Craver Vii said...

All life sacred? Some living things were declared clean and others unclean, so I suppose that the unclean things at least are not "sacred." Human life is sacred, and that is why murder is evil.

When, in certain parts of the world, they will let people starve to death because they won't eat "sacred" animals, I think their priorities are mixed up. To borrow a phrase from some evolutionist friends, "I didn't work my way up the food chain" to starve to death.

And what about mosquitoes? Do you just let them have their way and not swat them?

Litl-Luther said...

Did you know that it is only female mosquitoes that bite? So, every time you have to swat a mosquito, know it is a female you are killing.

Why is it that often in nature females are the killers?

• Lionesses do the majority of the hunting in their pride
• Male black widow spiders do not bite, but female black widows often kill and eat the male after mating
• The female praying mantis celebrates successful mating by eating the head of her partner

Is there any “killer-correlation” among human females? If they are more prone to kill, this would be one evidence that evolution is true. :-)

lorenzothellama said...

The female of the species is generally the killer, because the males are just too lazy to get of their arses and go and hunt, and as they are bigger and stronger than the females and cubs, they just steal their food. I don't know, but that's men for you.

Craver Vii said...

What?! We're not lazy... hey, while you're up, would you get me the chips and soda? Where's the TV remote control?

Maalie said...

It is the males that secure and defend the territories.

Every Square Inch said...

What a beautiful couple - you must be so happy. Congratulations to the bride and groom.

Litl-Luther said...

Thanks for finding the remote....Hey would you mind giving me a foot rub, honey? Here, I can make it easier for you; I'll tilt back the recliner....Come on. I appreciate the foot rub, but do you mind not blocking the TV with your head? Thanks sweetie.

No wonder the female species wants to bite our heads off from time to time!

Maalie said...

Is that how you treat your women Litl Luther? Why not try "You lie in for a bit darling, I'll finish washing last night's dishes and will bring you a cup of tea when I've finished".

And not just birthdays and mother's day!

Litl-Luther said...

That is probably the best advice you've ever given me, and I don't mean that as a jab. It truly is great advice. I do things like you suggested for my wife, but not nearly often enough. One thing Jaya loved was that in the first year of our marriage, I always made her breakfast and coffee in the morning. I haven't done that in quite sometime. I should pick up that habit again.

Thanks for the good advice.

lorenzothellama said...

Perhaps Maalie you could try calling me darling from time to time instead of 'stupid girl'!

Ted M. Gossard said...

Nice, light conversations going on here now.

Today is Good Friday for many of us Christians in the world. A day of remembering Jesus's sufferings and what he did for us in his death on the cross. A quite sobering day, indeed.

It would be good for us to reflect on Jesus so dying, and the significance of his death.

I posted a reading from Matthew's gospel of it.

All Christians believe that Jesus died for our sins, and that this is at the heart of our faith.

I need to reflect on Jesus's death today. What he went through and the meaning of it.

Litl-Luther said...

Amen Ted!! It is an excellent and important suggestion you make. I wholeheartedly agree with you.

PS: And as you pointed out, the death of Jesus is not only absolutely crucial to our faith but also one of the things upon which every Christian agrees. Here is our unity.

lorenzothellama said...

Of course it is crucial to our faith. If there was no resurection there would be no faith.

Yes Ted I agree with you. It is just gone 2.30 pm here and I am now off to Mass for 3.00.

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

For Craver and myself, church will be at 7pm while Llama and Maalie are sound asleep - who knows what time it is where LLuther is!

You are so very right Llama - if Jesus is not risen, He is not God and our faith is worthless.

He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Ted M. Gossard said...

Your comment, Susan, made me think about how we should probably never consider Jesus' death, apart from his resurrection. He is indeed alive.

At the same time I think it's good to consider his death in light of what Scripture teaches, the importance and necessity of it.

But he is not fixed on a cross. He is indeed alive, a resurrection life! A life out of death. Jesus shared in our mortal life so that we could share in his immortal life. And he went down in human death so that we could go up with him into resurrection life. Beginning here and now.

Litl-Luther said...

Amen Lorenzo!! What a vital point you make. The crux of our faith rests in the resurrection of Christ!

Litl-Luther said...

In the words of Maalie: "I am going away for a well-earned holiday tomorrow and I need to prepare."

15 hours from now I'll be taking my family to Thailand for a couple weeks (but I won't be getting on the computer tomorrow morning, so this is goodbye). We're going to Koh Chang, the same island where Jaya and I honeymooned nine years ago. We'll also be in Pattaya (At a hotel with a cool water park) and Bangkok for shopping. Should be a blast! I'm not bringing a laptop, but I'll check in on you folks now and again.


lorenzothellama said...

Look out for my son Joe on the islands off Thailand. He might give you a diving lesson.

Litl-Luther said...

They do have diving lessons in Koh Chang. I wonder if your son works that island.

T-Minus six hours till liftoff.

Ted M. Gossard said...

Lit'l Luther,
You and yours have a great and blessed get away and time together!

Ted M. Gossard said...

The Lord has risen!

Blessings on all this resurrection day.

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...


Litl-Luther said...

Thanks for the blesssings on our trip, Ted.

Hello all, from Bangkok. Thought I'd pop in before we head to Koh Chang. I doubt there will be very good internet access from that island.

Amen! Jesus is alive and well ... never to taste death again!

simon said...


simon said...

I love cockroaches.
Luther- women are killers of course....( stupid boy)... Eve "killed" adam...