Saturday, August 09, 2008


One of the things I love about LL is that she always answers tags as she pleases, i.e. she rewrites the rules to suit herself. So, I will accept Ted's tag but will simply say that if you wish to participate, then you may tag youself. Just leave us a comment and say that you have accepted a tag!

Here are the rules that Ted posted:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Present an image of martial discord (as in "war," not as in "marriage") from whatever period or situation you’d like.

I'm choosing to do #2!
1. If the sun shines on it, it freckles!
2. While considered by many to be a bit intimidating and confident, I'm really a softy inside (according to my daughter).
3. I love lime - limeade, key lime pie, lime yogurt!
4. I hate it when they groom my dog and give him a beard or other "whiskers" - he's a slob and that makes it even hard to keep him clean! (new pictures soon - if I can figure out how get him to stay still long enough)
5. No matter how hard I try to hide it, some of the Southern accent always comes through!
6. I'm held together with pins, screws and bailing twine.
7. I'm loving the writing of Andrew Murray in "Abide in Christ" - more in a post later!! He's amazing!


NaNcY said...

well done :-)

Ted M. Gossard said...

I ended up not following all the rules myself. I guess what you use off the Internet can be tricky as to copyright laws!

#2- I'll buy that!
#3- I'll never forget the key lime pie we had in Key West (Fla) I think it was, in 1969. Maybe psychological, but no key lie pie has measured up, since!
#5- Would be fun to hear each other speak. I can just imagine your southern accent, probably can't be hidden from northerners, like me.
#6- How do you get through airport security, and the like, I was wondering. Though metal through surgery is not uncommon nowadays, of course.
#7- I can't find a certain book of his entitled, "The True Vine," maybe compiled from his writings, one I really liked! But am working through that book you refer to, myself. And it is quite good. And I'm trying to put it into practice, from John 15. I do like the word "abide" better than "remain", as it has the sense of abode or being at home with, and in the Lord and he in us.

Murray is good at looking at it from so many different angles Scripturally, and really bringing out the "mystical" side which is undeniable in the New Testament, in our life in Jesus. And good at at least touching on the meaning of John 15 which most would emphasize. Though I wonder just how many see what he's bringing out in "Abide in Christ." I'm just wondering on that.

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

Ted, you are so funny. Your comment is longer than my post.

For some reason, the metal screws they hold bones together with don't set off the detectors - but the last boot cast sure did - I had to take it off - hand it to them and hop through on one foot.

Litl-Luther said...

If only someone would invent a gun made out of the same material which holds your bones together! …Just kidding. Actually, I can't imagine how evasive airport security checks would get if such a gun was made…but I would be tempted to buy one.

No screws holding me together, except the loose ones in my head. The only bone I’ve ever broken was in my left hand, when as a nineteen year old, I beat up a guy twice my size…hit him literally about 50 times in his face and broke my hand in the process, along with several of his teeth, until someone pulled me off him. It was the only way to win.

…I’ve changed a wee bit since then. I haven’t thrown a punch, since, I believe, when I was twenty (the year I got saved). But I used to fight all the time. I was suspended every year of school from 3rd grade through 12th for fighting. But the Lord changed my heart….though it has been much easier to control my fists than my tongue. …How did I get off on this rabbit trail, any way?

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...


I was just telling someone yesterday how much my temper had changed since I became a believer - so I understand just excatly what you mean!

Litl-Luther said...


I've accepted your "tag". Seven random and weird facts about me are posted at my site.


Estelle des Chevaliers said...

I dare not reveal all seven of mine, your site might get banned by blogger. Simply to say that Number 2 is that I have read Victor Hugot's "Les Miserables" in French and in English; and Number 5 is that I have done it on the back of a horse.

Estelle des Chevaliers said...

Ooops! Where did that extra 't' come from? Hugo, of course.

lorenzothellama said...

If you mean what I think you mean Estelle, doing it on the back of a horse is nigh impossible unless the horse keeps still! I assume it wasn't at full gallop?
I always feel I should be wearing a seat-belt when I'm on a horse.

Estelle des Chevaliers said...

LOL! Yes, it was tethered in the hay barn! Just for a laugh, takes some ingenuity ;-)

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

Estelle In the words of dear Maalie - you are a runcible creature dear Estelle!

Please do feel free to accept the tag and list your 7 facts on your blog! I am fascinated by your fluency in French. In fact, I am quite jealous! I will look forward to learning more, but you're right, I try to keep things here around PG13.

Lorenzo, you are quite hysterical - a seatbelt indeed. Although it might have saved me a few broken bones and quite a number of bruises.

lorenzothellama said...

Blimey Estelle!
I also assume it was bareback and not with one of those big saddles. Surely the pommel would get in the way?

Estelle des Chevaliers said...

Lorenzo, no saddle. Just his shirt.

Halfmom: I understand. I think Number 4 would have the Thought Police round.

lorenzothellama said...

Whose shirt?

Estelle des Chevaliers said...

Well, not the horse's shirt.

And as for the pommel, when I use that one it is to hang my lasso to reel him in... (but that is getting a bit too close to Number 6).

Craver Vii said...

Southern accent? Gee, I hardly noticed (cough, cough).

Ted M. Gossard said...

I am a person known at times for long comments. I don't like that, and most people won't care to read them, but hopefully those in the conversation will.

But I am a wordy person, for sure. And if I don't watch out, this will be another one!

Our dog sheds to high heaven. Her hair is found everywhere she goes. She is quite a pretty dog, but this time of the year is not her favorite. She likes the colder weather. Hopefully you could trim your dog's whiskers or something like that, the way it sounds!

Halfmom, AKA, Susan said...

Thank you for keeping me PG13 rated Estelle. My gratitude is yours.