Saturday, July 26, 2008

Catching up

First, let me assure you that the young couple in South Dakota have been happily married for a month now. The wedding was lovely and very creative as friends of the bride and groom are musically talented. The wedding quilt, made as a surprise for the couple by their friends, with many different people - including me - contributing hand-made squares, was a big hit!

The family news here over the past two and half weeks has been dominated by 1) the end of Olivia's first year as a teacher (hooray!!! she'll never be a first-year teacher again!!!!) and 2) the appearance of Andrew for a summer visit. Check out his posting of July 16 and July 23 for his side of the story!

The day of his arrival, I had a feeling that my life would never be quite the same again - and that is proving true! During the first 10 days he was here, he 1) interviewed for two high school science positions, 2) successfully obtained a position as a high school chemistry teacher for this fall, 3) talked Richmond, VA into letting him out of his 2008-2009 contract, 4) set a schedule for moving from VA, and 5) rented a van to move his things and left with my daughter in tow!

Hum, says the momma......


Ted M. Gossard said...

Good to see how things are working out for them, and prayers being answered! Sounds like a whirlwind of activity over there. and an exciting time for all.

Andrew said...

6) moved his pile of stuff into your garage.